Wednesday, March 10, 2010

UK Youth Rebel

The argument that the massive ‘bail out’ was necessary to save the whole financial system and therefore “all of us” is wearing thin. The only people who have been bailed out are those with assets, large savings and those who rely on pension’s funds and insurance policies dependant on the stock market.

Since the bail out, the value of houses has risen as has the stock market. Those with money, assets and pension funds have been saved. Those who did not have lots of money, assets or pensions will be paying for this for years to come. Generally these people are under 30. They will almost definitely not receive a pension. If house prices keep rising they will probably never own their own home and with interest rates lower than inflation they will never really be able to save any money.

The youth today should not vote Labour or Conservative. They should rebel and force both parties from power.

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